Our United Methodist Roots

Since its founding in 1952, Loucon has been a part of what is now The United Methodist Church. This is a tradition birthed through the work of John and Charles Wesley, who insisted that the Christian life included both devotion to God and love-in-action toward our neighbors.

In keeping with that tradition, Loucon practices theological hospitality. In other words, you don’t have to think or believe a certain way to be a part of the camp community. As John Wesley famously said, “If your heart is as my heart, give me your hand!”

If you want to know more about what United Methodists believe, click here.

If you are a United Methodist Church or individual, thank you for all your help and support behind the scenes! With gratitude, we offer a $20 discount on summer camps and a 10% discount on group retreats. Click the button below for more details.